Plagiarism is the coping of work, thoughts, existing data, idea, images, videos and expression of others without their permission or without mentioning proper references or citations. Plagiarism is a crime according to Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Plagiarism is increasing now a days, because of institutional pressure on students, data coping is easy for them while making projects, publications. Coping of their own previous work in other content without proper citations is known as self-plagiarism.

Research Publisher follows the precise plagiarism policy. The author has to state that their article is not submitted elsewhere and is not copy of already published work either partially or completely. In SunKrist Publishing every submitted article will be cross checked for plagiarism. If plagiarized content found partially or completely in any submission will be immediately rejected. In case, the author has provided proper citations or references for mentioning already published data, limit for plagiarized content is 20% in the received articles. In case, if plagiarism found more than 20% the editorial office will inform to author and the author should change or re-write the content or should give an explanation for that issue and must give response within 2 weeks.

In the submitted manuscript all the authors will be equally responsible for plagiarism. Until receives a valid explanation from the author the editorial office will stop the further process for the plagiarized article. Review process will start only after receiving acceptable explanation from author and making the necessary changes in the plagiarized article or providing proper citations. Avoid plagiarism by providing proper citations to that copied content.

Without mentioning the specific source changing the words and structure of the sentence is also comes under plagiarism. Plagiarism is also known as content cheating. Our editorial office will check the quality and plagiarism for received article. Plagiarism is a crime, try to avoid plagiarism while preparing manuscript. We don’t encourage to publish plagiarized content. If the manuscript has plagiarized content the manuscript will be rejected immediately.